![]() The 40 days of Lent correspond with Jesus’ 40 days of temptation in the wilderness. Where Jesus, God in human form, is tested. Why? Perhaps so he can look at each one of us who struggles with sin, addiction, overwork, the inability to say ‘no’, and say ‘yeah it’s tough’! Throughout Jesus’ life he met intimately with those who were struggling and publicly identifies with them saying ‘whatever you do for the one who struggles, you do it for me’. There is no judgement, no commendation but rather a touching, intimate connection one on one, and in so doing, Jesus reveals their infinite dignity, before the face of God. Can you imagine, that even when you don’t feel able, worthy enough to look up at God, God is already sitting with you. As we reflect this Lent on what it is in our lives we might need to amend, get help or support, know that we don’t do it alone. We have the very one who created us rooting for us and thankfully they have a whole army of angels behind them! In these 40 days, may you find stillness, may you find healing, may you find God. Nikki Explore God in Lent We will be running a Lent Course starting Sunday 22 March at 7pm in The Rectory and Monday 23 March at 10am at Clare Farm in Dullingham. All welcome. Considering Baptism or Confirmation? Baptism: Open to all, any age, no entry requirements Confirmation: Open to those (aged 11–111) interested in exploring God and faith To discuss either of the above do contact me, I would be delighted to hear from you. Revd Nikki [email protected] text 07738 266057
Revd Nikki MannNikki is the Priest in Charge of the Raddesley Benefice (which consists of 6 churches) in Cambridgeshire Archives
April 2021
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