Gosh. Doesn’t it feel like the world has shifted. Still reeling from the pandemic and its tragic human and economic cost we have been challenged by the ongoing pain of injustice and inequality. We knew it was there but seeing it played out on our screens has sharpened our awareness and for many awakened a desire for change; for a fairer, just, more inclusive and equal society where no one faces discrimination, where children don’t go to bed or wake up hungry, where mental health and community services are properly resourced, where everyone has a home, our list could go on and on. Jesus in his life and teachings crossed boundaries racial and social, he preached on the least being first, on searching out and caring for the one in need because the other 99 were doing OK. He said simply ‘Love one another as I have loved you’ and that is a huge unquantifiable lot of love! These are uncertain times but lockdown has shown us the power of communities pulling together and caring for each other. We can make a difference. Bishop Desmond Tutu said ‘Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.’ How wonderful is that. Let us overwhelm the world together! Love and Blessings, Nikki
Revd Nikki MannNikki is the Priest in Charge of the Raddesley Benefice (which consists of 6 churches) in Cambridgeshire Archives
April 2021
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